Every generation seems to have its vice-turned-health-crisis. The newest is vaping. Largely replacing cigarette smoking in the younger generations, vaping nevertheless has its own health implications. While vaping itself doesn’t seem like an issue that would cause much partisan debate, the regulations around it and the industries associated with it have sparked much controversy of […]
Republican Views
Republican Views On Cyber Security
Cyber security has become an important issue in the past couple years, in large part because of events involving election meddling and hacking which took place during the 2016 election cycle. While calls to improve cyber security in the US have come from both sides of the aisle, Republicans have been talking about the issue […]
Republican Views On DACA
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) has been a main subject of Republican political discussion since its inception in 2012. Although the DACA executive action, as well as the program it created, will in all likelihood be gone before the end of the Trump administration, the dilemma regarding what to do with the Dreamers, a […]
Republican Views On Domestic Surveillance
Domestic surveillance, also known as mass surveillance, is a controversial issue in the US. There has always been an attempt by the government to monitor its citizens, but as technology becomes more complex, and particularly since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the government listening in on our conversations and looking for possible signs of illegal activity […]
Democratic Views On Vaping And E-Cigarettes
Vaping is one of the biggest new fads out there, and this is exactly what makes it so worrisome. Originally intended to be a less-dangerous alternative for cigarette smokers, vaping and e-cigarettes have spread to non-smokers across the country, and have even begun to take root in high schools and middle schools. It is for […]
Republican Views On Bitcoin And Cryptocurrencies
There has been an exponential growth in the popularity of cryptocurrencies – digital assets whose existence is entirely online but can be exchanged for commodities or services. This, in part, is due to the fact that they grant a degree of user confidentiality or anonymity. However, this anonymity has as well caused headaches for governments, […]
Democratic Views On The U.S. Embassy In Jerusalem
Conflicts in the Middle East, and especially those ongoing between Israel and Palestine, have long been a hot-button issue for politicians and voters on both sides of the aisle. While this is an extremely complex and multifaceted situation, there are general trends in the positions held by members of the Democratic Party. Most people on […]
Republican Views On The U.S. Embassy In Jerusalem
The official coronation of the United States embassy in Jerusalem on May 14th completed a long-awaited milestone in US-Israeli relations, but the relocation from Tel-Aviv continues to garner controversy and has polarized international opinion. On May 14th, the anniversary of Israeli independence according to the Hebrew Calendar, Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, were […]
Republican Views On Unemployment
Unemployment is at one of its highest levels in the history of this country, and each party has its own philosophy on how to combat the problem. Republican views on unemployment revolve around the idea that the best resolution to unemployment is economic growth. Republicans believe in pursuing free market policies that can grow the […]
Republican Views On Terrorism
As terrorist attacks grow more and more frequent and the world tries to decide if it is able to unite against ISIS or if there are too many other conflicting issues to be addressed, what action each party would take in regards to a terrorist threat grows increasingly important. Americans want to know that there […]
Republican Views On Stem Cell Research
As controversial as political issues can be, the biggest debates spawn from issues that cross political and ethical ideals. For this reason, stem cell research is a particularly controversial issue. However, the highly contended issue stays fairly staunchly within party lines. 76 percent of Democrats would like to see the government do away with restrictions […]
Democratic Views on College Tuition
One fact that both parties can agree on is that college tuition has risen far more rapidly than inflation, leaving us with an unsustainable system that is selling today’s youth short. The matter of contention, of course, is how to fix the problem. While Republicans look to remove the government from the equation and privatize […]
Republican Views on the Electoral College
The concept of the electoral college has become increasingly controversial as the years have gone on. Two of our last three presidents lost the popular vote, and that has brought a lot of attention to the mechanisms of the electoral process. Many have begun to examine the electoral college as an outdated system and to […]
Democratic Views
Democratic Views On Minimum Wage
Minimum wage is an issue that often is a matter of contention even within the parties. Before going into the issue of Democratic views on minimum wage directly, though, it seems prudent to exam the values and views of the Democratic Party that lead it to favor specific policies regarding a federal minimum wage. Starting […]
Democratic Views on Gay Marriage
Same-sex marriage is becoming increasingly important in America. The up-and-coming voters put a good deal of weight on the issue, making it a topic that could make or break elections in the coming years. Democratic views on gay marriage support full equality under the law for same-sex couples. Democrats believe that gay marriage should be […]
Democratic Views on Religion
This country was founded on the principle of separation of Church and State. However, the true extent to which this separation is enforced and what religious freedoms are protected under the law have long been items of controversy. Overall, the Democratic Party is less religious than the Republican Party. Democrats are more likely to push […]
Democratic Views On Domestic Surveillance
The Democratic Party is largely conflicted on the issue of domestic surveillance. This stems, at least in part, from the complexity of balancing national security, internal tranquility, privacy, and effective law enforcement. What Is Domestic Surveillance? Domestic surveillance is any program to monitor people within the country. In the United States this is normally under […]
Democratic Views On Foreign Policy
Foreign policy is an incredibly contentious issue between parties. Democratic views on foreign policy include a generous foreign aid policy, giving aid to distressed countries. This is based heavily on a Forward Engagement based foreign policy, meaning addressing problems early before they become crises and having the forces to deal with these threats as soon […]
Democratic Views On Social Security
Social security is a tremulous issue. As Americans live longer and longer, the sustainability of social security as a system is being questioned. Democratic views on social security revive around reinstating the system’s sustainability without privatizing or cutting back benefits, stating “Democrats believe that after a life of hard work, you earn a secure retirement. […]
Democratic Views On Trade
The Democratic Party has long seen themselves as the champion for the working class and the common man. To draw from the Democratic National Committee’s website: “For decades, Democrats have stood alongside labor unions in defense of fair pay and economic security. Democrats understand that labor unions helped build America’s middle class, and organized labor […]
Democratic Views on Gay Rights
Gay rights and gay marriage are becoming increasingly important issues in America. The up-and-coming voters put a good deal of weight on the issues, making them a topic that could make or break elections in the coming years. Democratic views on gay marriage support full equality under the law for same-sex couples, both in the […]
Democratic Views on The Economy
There is no doubt from either party that the economy is not what it could or should be. What the parties do differ on is how the economy got where it is and how to bring it back up to par. Democrats believe that an economy can only flourish under fiscal discipline, with proper treatment […]
Democratic Views on Small Business
Democrats are aware that small businesses are the engines that drive the economy of this great nation. From high-tech startups to family-owned restaurants, small business owners and entrepreneurs are crucial elements of our economy and our communities. Like Republicans, Democrats see the value of small businesses, but they take a different route towards trying to […]
Democratic Views On Bitcoin And Cryptocurrencies
The future of cryptocurrency depends on certain internal and external factors. To illustrate better, internal factors refer to the self-sustainability of coins and their resilience through events like forking and wading past scalability concerns. That said, external factors such as market adoption and government policies could really be a lifeline or death-punch for digital currencies. […]
Democratic Views on Medicare
Medicare and Medicaid were signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965. These programs—which were designed to help the elderly, the disabled, and those with low-income acquire quality and affordable healthcare—are celebrating their 50th anniversary year. Prior to the creation of these programs, the majority of senior citizens lacked health insurance. Getting sick […]
Democratic Views On Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity is an important issue in the political discussion today, mainly because the vast majority of people around the world have, in some shape or form, a presence online. Now more than ever, individuals want to know that their personal information is secure online. In the past few years, a handful of significant events involving […]
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How The Political Parties Got Their Animal Symbols
Party platforms evolve, party ideals even flip-flop, but for over 100 years, the Democrats have been represented by a donkey and Republicans have been represented by an elephant. Interestingly enough, the Democrats have never officially declared the donkey their symbol (Republicans, on the other hand, have fully embraced the elephant and adopted it as their […]
Democratic Views On Spending
Money, in particular how to spend it, has long been one of the greatest matters of contention between political parties. Democratic views on spending primarily include trying to return to a more disciplined budget. Democrats encourage and support tight budget caps and rules that require the government to pay for new initiatives. They believe that […]
Democratic Views On The Electoral College
Anyone who has taken American history and has an understanding of basic civics is likely aware of the Electoral College. Like many of the systems that make up our government and democratic process, the Electoral College has drawn a great deal of criticism and discontent over the years. Devised as a system to improve the […]
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Democratic Views On Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity is an important issue in the political discussion today, mainly because the vast majority of people around the world have, in some shape or form, a presence online. Now more than ever, individuals want to know that their personal information is secure online. In the past few years, a handful of significant events involving […]
Republican Views On Cyber Security
Cyber security has become an important issue in the past couple years, in large part because of events involving election meddling and hacking which took place during the 2016 election cycle. While calls to improve cyber security in the US have come from both sides of the aisle, Republicans have been talking about the issue […]